There were a lot of people in my dream I did not know in real life. But I knew them in my dream. I was a teen again and too young to drive. But it was halloween and I wanted to go to a real haunted attraction versus the fake one my parents took me to. My dream parents were not my real parents. I also had two siblings that I don't have in real life and I was the oldest. So I rode a bike to this halloween attraction pulling my siblings in a cart through this random neighborhood. We got to the attraction and all of a sudden it was someones birthday. I dont know them in real life, but in the dream they were like a close friend almost like family. We walked outside and onto a porch. It felt like it was the south but a comforting homey feel. It was dusk outside. She was in a long flowy white dress with long dark blonde straight hair and I think her name was elizabeth. Her aunt approached her and again, I dont know her in real life, but in the dream I did. Her aunt gave her a woodn box with beauty items in it and told her not to open it until the next day and she couldn't open it on halloween. Next thing I know Elizabeth and I are in this old barn and its night out. We were opening the box secretly because she dodn't want to wait. She saw a thing of hair ties in it wrapped in this plastic. She opened them and as soon as they came out of the plastic turned into a pile of snakes slithering on each other. One of the snakes popped up and was a giant cobra standing in front of us, then they all began o do that and there were so many large cobras all facing us. Then I remember one attacking and it went black. The next thing I remember was seeing like an old town gas station or garage that was white with chipped paint on it. There were signs of a bunch of missing people from the neighborhood. I don't think anyone knew what happened to them. But I somehow knew it was the snakes that I think disappeared the morning after halloween.
This dream could symbolize feelings of fear, uncertainty, and temptation in your waking life. The unknown people in the dream may represent unfamiliar situations or aspects of yourself that you are exploring. Being a teenager again and unable to drive could reflect feelings of vulnerability or a sense of being inexperienced or out of control in a particular area of your life.
The desire to visit a real haunted attraction versus a fake one may represent a search for authenticity and genuine experiences. Pulling your siblings in a cart could suggest a sense of responsibility or burden that you may be carrying for others in your life.
The birthday celebration with Elizabeth and her receiving the box from her aunt may symbolize hidden desires or secrets that are being revealed or explored. The snakes transforming from hair ties in the box could represent unexpected challenges or threats that arise when you try to uncover hidden truths or secrets.
The attacking cobras and the missing people in the neighborhood could represent fears of danger or loss in your life. The disappearance of the snakes the morning after Halloween may symbolize a resolution or overcoming of these challenges or fears.
Overall, this dream may be reflecting your subconscious thoughts and emotions about facing unknown situations, dealing with hidden truths or secrets, and navigating through challenges and fears in your life.